The work of the firm bears witness to the pursuit of excellence in all projects, particularly in resolving complex problems within budget restrictions. We maintain flexibility in meeting the needs of client groups and building users and strongly believe that there is an appropriate level of architectural service specific to the needs of each client. Our experienced staff enables us to provide a wide range of services to support our clients' needs in all stages of the project from initial planning to post-occupancy review. Skilled staff provide hands-on contact with local agencies and communities to expedite situations as they arise, with immediate responses and resourcefulness.
The firm's vision includes a passion for the place of history in our lives. We have developed our services with the long-range goal of saving the historic fabric of built environments while giving them new life. The firm is committed to the preservation and rehabilitation of California's historic structures. Recognized with a 2004 President's award from California Preservation Foundation, Mr. Garavaglia has a high regard for maintaining the character of California's small towns and sensitivity towards building conservation, historic preservation, sustainability, and the interrelationship between older structures and community context.
This dedication extends to the staff at Garavaglia Architecture Inc. Each staff member has rehabilitation, renovation and new construction experience in adaptive reuse, feasibility and reuse studies, historic structures and materials assessment, seismic upgrades and urban revitalization and building facade improvement projects as well as traditional and small town planning issues including the "Main Street" approach to preserving and enhancing communities. The staff is fully versed in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards, and the State of California's Historical Building Code and their implications on individual projects. We are also knowledgeable about funding sources and federal Historic Preservation Tax Credits.
Garavaglia Architecture Inc. understands that truly innovative solutions are not achieved in a vacuum. We are committed to a collaborative approach, encompassing economic as well as aesthetic decisions that benefit the client and the community.