Becky Urbano Hosting a CPF Webinar

Garavaglia Architecture, Inc.’s Preservation Services Manager Becky Urbano will be presenting a webinar through California Preservation Foundation on Tuesday, April 12 from Noon to 1pm (PST).

This webinar will be an overview of The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. It will cover the four different treatment options and the 10 Standards with special emphasis on the standards for rehabilitation. The webinar will also include a Question & Answer Period.

Click here to register for the event.

Working with Historic Materials – A Case Study Recap

At the annual California Preservation Foundation’s conference, Garavaglia Architecture’s Preservation Services Manager, Becky Urbano, served as the workshop leader and moderator for the Working with Historic Materials: A Primer for Building Owners, Stewards and Craftspersons pre-conference workshop held before California Preservation Foundation’s 2010 Grass Valley-Nevada City conference.

Ms. Urbano not only heads up Garavaglia Architecture’s Preservation Services division but she is also a talented conservator and brought her expertise in material conservation to the workshop. Serving on the panel of presenters were Johanna Street, Architect; Bill Essert of Wooden Windows; Kelly Thomas of RKT Builders; and Dan Aldridge of Aldridge Plastering. The workshop was geared towards owners, building stewards and crafts people and took place in the historic Julia Morgan-designed North Star House.

The workshop was a combination of conservation methodology, manufacturing and material history. The morning session began with a primer on project processes, introduction to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and an overview of historic materials as they compare to new materials. After a lunch break, they group divided into small groups where attendees participated in hands-on sessions that focused on the practical aspects of working with historic materials. Each session involved a different historic material with emphasis on what to do, and what not to do. Sessions included restoration of historic windows, finishes, and plaster with the emphasis on gaining an understanding of these materials and how to work with them to foster better stewardship and responsible long-term maintenance.

May Day Monster Mash Picnic at La Laguna de San Gabriel

Join the Friends of La Laguna and the Los Angeles Conservancy as they celebrate May Day with a Monster Mash Picnic at La Laguna de San Gabriel located in a corner of Vincent Lugo Park in San Gabriel. The park is a well-loved playground known to children all over the greater San Gabriel Valley. It also serves as a cultural landscape and is the last work designed by a Mexican master artist, Benjamin Dominguez. Designed around the theme of a lagoon, it has 14 custom and hand crafted concrete play structures that through heavy use over the years are beginning to show their age.

In preparation for the renovation of Laguna de San Gabriel, Garavaglia Architecture, Inc. prepared a Historic Structures Report and Preservation Plan for the Friends. The report was awarded a 2009 Preservation Award from the Los Angeles Conservancy and a California Preservation Foundation 2009 Preservation Design Award. The site was also recently listed on the California Register of Historic Resources.

Join Garavaglia Architecture Inc.’s Marketing Manager Dea Bacchetti for the picnic being held May 1, 11 a.m. -2 p.m. The cost is $15 ($10 for Conservancy members, $5 for kids 12 and under) and reservations are required. There will be games, lunch, architecture-inspired ice cream sandwiches from the Coolhaus truck, and more!

For more information or to make a reservation:

For more information on the La Laguna project, click on 1950 on the upper navigation bar of our time line. Also visit Friends of La Laguna: