Recap on Partnership to Rehab Historic Buildings Workshop

On March 10, speakers and attendees from Northern California gathered together in Ione, CA for the “Make History – Public-Private Partnerships Rehabilitate Historic Properties” Workshop, presented by California Preservation Foundation.

On March 10, speakers and attendees from Northern California gathered together in Ione, CA for the “Make History – Public-Private Partnerships Rehabilitate Historic Properties” Workshop, presented by California Preservation Foundation. […] Continue Reading…

Nation’s first mandatory state green building standards

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced last month the adoption of the mandatory Green Building Standards Code (CALGREEN) by the California Building Standards Commission. It takes effect on January 1, 2011, and its intent is to create major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and water use.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced last month the adoption of the mandatory Green Building Standards Code (CALGREEN) by the California Building Standards Commission. It takes effect on January 1, 2011, and its intent is to create major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and water use. […] Continue Reading…